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Writer's picturePastor Bobby

Child of God

How many of you would agree that kids say the craziest things sometimes? Yeh, recently I was driving somewhere with my son Leo and it was night time and we were driving by a church that had a huge lit up cross right in front of it. He began to scream with excitement, “Dad, look, Jesus died on the cross.” I said, “Yes, son, Jesus did die on the cross.” Do you know why Jesus died on the cross?” He says, “Because we were naughty.” Yeh, that’s right son! The Psalmist said that, “children [are] a heritage from the LORD.” I find it fascinating and even surprising that the believer in Jesus Christ is called to receive the kingdom of God as a little child. Paul writing to the Philippians said, “That you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” Phil 2:15 The promise of every believer is that when they are born again by the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ comes into their heart they immediately become a child of God. God the Father becomes your heavenly Father and your eternal address is changed from hell to heaven. What an amazing promise, yet as Christians we face a real battle. There is war raging for our life. It is a war between truth and the lie. It is between Satan who wants us to be a child of the devil versus Jesus Christ our Lord who wants us to be a child of God. A choice must be made by us who will be our father. Choose God today!

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